Sunday, June 29, 2014

Young leaves are red and turn green once. Flowers mahogany is compound interest

indispensable in seed production activities in mind. Vegetative propagation techniques is one way to produce seedlings that have superior character as a child created a duplicate of the parent to have the same genetic structure
Mahogany is an annual plant, with the average height of 5 - 25m (some even reach more than 30 m), deep saddle with a round stem, branching many, and gummy wood. Leaf leafy compound, pinnate clear, oval-shaped leaf, pointed tip and base, margin flat, with long bone pinnate leaves 3-15 cm long. Young leaves are red and turn green once. Flowers mahogany is compound interest, arranged in a composition out of the armpit leaves. Mother of the flower stalk cylindrical, light brown. Last petals each other with a spoon shape resembles a light green. Crown of flowers cylindrical, yellow-brown. Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Online Terpercaya Indonesia  Stamen attached to the crown. Head white sari / golden brown. This new mahogany flowering after the age of 7 or 8 years old. After flowering, the next stage is to bear fruit. The fruit is a fruit mahogany box with five recessed oval shape. When they were cute in green, and after a big brown. In the kidney-shaped seeds are compressed with the ends rather thick and dark brown in color. Fruit is already decrepit skin will rupture on its own fruit and seeds will be free flying flat where are the wind blew. When the match fell to the ground will grow into a new generation of mahogany.
classification; Based on his scientific classification, these crops are included in the family / familia Meliaceae. Crops in Indonesia known as the mahogany has many names according to the region or country. In Bangli called mahagni. In the Netherlands, known as mahok. The French call it Acajou or Acajou pays, while our neighbors (Malaysia) cheriamagany name of this plant. Others again by Spaniards who knew him as caoba / caoba de Santo / Domingo. In Indonesia hardwood plant has another local name, that is mahogany, maoni or Moni. The origins of this plant from the West Indies and Africa.
Taxonomy mahogany is as follows: Kingdom: Plantae (plants), Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Plants berpembuluh) Super Division: Spermatophyta (produce seed) Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants) Class: Magnoliopsida (crusting two / dikotil), Sub Grade: Rosidae, Ordo: Sapindales, Family: Meliaceae, Genus: Swietenia, Species: Swietenia mahogany (L.) Jacq.
- Conditions to Grow
This is mahogany and tropical plants, can be found growing wild in the forests of teak and other places close to the shore. This plant can flourish in brackish sand near the beach. This plant likes a pretty direct sunlight (not ternaungi). Crops include crops that can survive in the wilderness though. Although not watered for months, mahogany is still able to survive.
- Propagation of crop
Of crop can be done with seeds, can also with graft or grafting. For mahogany that will be used as a medicinal plant, it can not be chemical fertilizers (inorganic) or pesticides.
- Utilization
Mahogany found on the edges of the road as tree protectors. Holt great fit for shelter. Besides, because it is resistant to hot / live in the wilderness until the crop is standing firm adorn the streets in some areas. For the people of Indonesia, especially Java, this plant is not a new item, because since the Dutch colonial era mahogany and colleagues, asan trees, is widely planted as a shade on the sidewalk along the road especially Daendels (from Peacock to Banyuwangi). And over the last 20 years, the mahogany from cultivated for its wood has a high enough economic value. Quality hard wood and is excellent for Meubeler, furniture, sculptures goods and handicrafts. Often also made ​​ruler because it is not easily changed. Quality mahogany teak is slightly below that often dubbed as the second prima donna (prima donna s still primarily teak). For the old mahogany w
SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAood red brown. There are several types of small-leaved mahogany that is mahogany (Swietenia mahogany) and broad-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophilea). Swietenia mahogany wood quality better than Swietenia macrophilea. While the advantages are faster macrophilea Swietenia grown into a large and wooden plates. Other uses of mahogany is used for dyeing her skin. The fabric is boiled with mahogany skin will turn yellow and wantek (unbleached). While rubber mahogany blendok also mentioned to be used as raw material of glue (glue), and leaf mahogany for animal feed.
Utilization of mahogany as the drug had since the 70s. Taken is the seed. At that time the way his consumption remains moderate (no mixed) at a cost that is directly after removing the seeds are compressed. They say many of the obscure disease after being treated with this mahogany seeds. But a lot of bitterness Complaint. Adults are in line with the motto back to nature, treatment with materials from nature from many dilirik. Humans began to cultivate creative materials from the environment to be used as medicine. Mahogany seeds as raw material medicine dried and then finely ground into a powder.
There are several types of small-leaved mahogany that is mahogany (Swietenia mahogany) and broad-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophilea). Swietenia mahogany wood quality better than Swietenia macrophilea. While the advantages are faster macrophilea Swietenia grown into a large and wooden plates. Other uses of mahogany is used for dyeing her skin. The fabric is boiled with mahogany skin will turn yellow and wantek (unbleached). While rubber mahogany blendok also mentioned to be used as raw material of glue (glue), and leaf mahogany for animal feed.
Utilization of mahogany as the drug had since the 70s. Taken is the seed. At that time the way his consumption remains moderate (no mixed) at a cost that is directly after removing the seeds are compressed. They say many diseases are cured after being treated with this mahogany seeds. But a lot of bitterness Complaint. Adults are in line with the motto JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA back to nature, treatment with materials from nature from many dilirik. Humans began to cultivate creative materials from the environment to be used as

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