Las semillas secas que han sido capaces de ser utilizados para la semilla. Sin embargo, si usted no quiere utilizarlo para sembrar directamente, o si quiere mantener durante un tiempo largo, la semilla o la semilla debe ser embalado en papel o mejor aún utilizar envases de papel de aluminio, ya que ha hermético propiedades. Almacenamiento sería mejor si el aire en la caja con papel de aluminio, aspirado a cabo utilizando un vacío como de vacío, de modo que el contenido inicial de humedad de la semilla se puede mantener.
II. cultura técnica
Términos crece
Calabaza crece bien en áreas tropicales de las tierras bajas a 1500 m sobre el nivel del mar. Adaptado bien a las condiciones de calor con una temperatura de 18-27 ° C. Sin embargo, esta planta es muy sensible a la radiación que podría afectar a la larga comparación entre el número de flores femeninas y masculinas.
Vides de calabaza crecen, requiriendo así un tampón tal como tralis o para-para 2-3 m de altura. Generativo propaga, pero puede también a través de la BUAHPOKER.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA TERPERCAYA TANPA ROBOT propagación vegetativa. Separación de calabaza 1-1,5 m entre hileras y 60 a 120 cm entre plantas en la hilera.
La dosis recomendada de fertilizante es de 100 kg / ha de N, 40 kg / ha de P y 80 kg / ha K.
Control de plagas y enfermedades
Enfermedad que a menudo ataca la calabaza es la antracnosis, oidio, mancha de la hoja, la sarna, y virus como el CMV, WMV-2, PRSV-W, ZYMV y SLCV. Mientras que las plagas que atacan a las plantas son a menudo las plagas se alimentan de hojas (Epilachna) y barrenador del tallo.
La primera cosecha puede empezar en 50 a 60 días después de la siembra. Cosecha de la calabaza se realiza de forma continua a intervalos de 2 a 3 veces por semana.
III. Producción de Semillas
La producción acuícola de las semillas
El cultivo para la producción del cultivo de semilla de calabaza es casi el mismo que el consumo, a menos que haya una selección de
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Imagen Jambu agua es plantas frutales
Imagen Jambu agua es plantas frutales superiores nativas de Indonesia. La imagen de superioridad Jambu aire es un gran tamaño de los frutos cuyo peso máximo de 300 gramos, o menos del tamaño de aqua vidrio. Porque muy apreciada por el público Lowongan Kerja en este momento podemos ver fácilmente en las semillas de los cultivos de semillas del vendedor. Jambu agua Esta imagen es relativamente fácil de cultivar y cosechar en un año puede el propietario hasta tres veces. Los cultivos pueden ser plantados después de 2 años, por lo que no tienen que esperar mucho tiempo para disfrutar del dulce sabor de la fruta y la elegancia. Cuestión de gustos no se le pide, esta imagen es muy dulce de guayaba sobre todo en la estación seca podría añadir otro sabor dulce. Actualmente los centros más grandes de la imagen Guayaba Grobogan central de Java, no muy lejos de la ciudad de Semarang.
Borrado tierras que antes de distractores como: hierba, arbustos / espinas y los animales. Tierra sólo procesa en el hoyo de plantación y sostuvo 15-30 m días antes de la siembra.
La distancia entre plantas de guayaba es de 8 x 8 m con la plantación en hoyos que mide 60 x 60 x 60 cm.
Guayaba fruta no sólo era una planta que adornan perkarangan casa. Hoy en día, mucha gente empezó a cultivar el agua Guayaba Guayaba particularmente serio.
Debido a que la guayaba agua corriente también puede generar ingresos que es muy tentador.
Anthony Surbakti ya ha demostrado. AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Mediante el cultivo de la guayaba en serio, podría obtener un beneficio de alrededor de USD 300 millones por año. En su casa en el pueblo de Durin En Jagak, Distrito Pancur Piedra, en 5.000 metros cuadrados de tierra que cultiva guayaba variedades de gran rendimiento.
Borrado tierras que antes de distractores como: hierba, arbustos / espinas y los animales. Tierra sólo procesa en el hoyo de plantación y sostuvo 15-30 m días antes de la siembra.
La distancia entre plantas de guayaba es de 8 x 8 m con la plantación en hoyos que mide 60 x 60 x 60 cm.
Guayaba fruta no sólo era una planta que adornan perkarangan casa. Hoy en día, mucha gente empezó a cultivar el agua Guayaba Guayaba particularmente serio.
Debido a que la guayaba agua corriente también puede generar ingresos que es muy tentador.
Anthony Surbakti ya ha demostrado. AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Mediante el cultivo de la guayaba en serio, podría obtener un beneficio de alrededor de USD 300 millones por año. En su casa en el pueblo de Durin En Jagak, Distrito Pancur Piedra, en 5.000 metros cuadrados de tierra que cultiva guayaba variedades de gran rendimiento.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Para asegurarse de que las semillas sembradas
asegurarse de que las semillas sembradas / plantadas con su alta
descendencia después de remojar las semillas, conservada en recipientes
con un paño húmedo, tales como tejido humedecido. Cerrar el recipiente con el fin de evitar la evaporación. Almacene en un lugar fresco. Después de unos pocos días de comenzar las semillas germinan. En
este punto podemos elegir sólo las semillas que han germinado sólo
sembradas o plantadas, así probailitas crecen mucho más alto.
Siembra Si lo hacemos Pre-Seed, entonces la probabilidad de semillas se hará más grande. Pero también puede la siembra directa sin Pre-Seed. Aquí el proceso de siembra: • Preparar una semilla de bandeja de plántulas envase u otro recipiente (preferiblemente no demasiado alto, lo suficientemente 5-10cm SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA para no tener que presionar demasiado y la parte inferior del agujero (el propio agujero puede hacerse) • Rellene los medios de comunicación. La mezcla debe ser lisa medios (suelo tamizada, arena fina, fina paja fertilizante orgánico fino agregado al menos un cuarto de sección). Basahi primera mezcla de medios para húmedo • Introduzca una semilla en cada hoyo, plántulas bandeja, a sólo 1/2 cm de la superficie de los medios de comunicación, cubren de nuevo con los medios de comunicación. Si siembra en otras plataformas, por ejemplo, los agujeros restantes, dar la distancia entre semillas, 1-5 cm para facilitar la separación de las semillas que han sido cultivados sin demasiada molestia enraizamiento. • Rocíe con un rociador si los medios de comunicación comienza a secarse. Luego cubrir con cartón o plástico de color sólido o cubrir cualquier cosa que no ocurre hasta que los medios de comunicación son la evaporación lenta. Almacene en un lugar fresco
Siembra Si lo hacemos Pre-Seed, entonces la probabilidad de semillas se hará más grande. Pero también puede la siembra directa sin Pre-Seed. Aquí el proceso de siembra: • Preparar una semilla de bandeja de plántulas envase u otro recipiente (preferiblemente no demasiado alto, lo suficientemente 5-10cm SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA para no tener que presionar demasiado y la parte inferior del agujero (el propio agujero puede hacerse) • Rellene los medios de comunicación. La mezcla debe ser lisa medios (suelo tamizada, arena fina, fina paja fertilizante orgánico fino agregado al menos un cuarto de sección). Basahi primera mezcla de medios para húmedo • Introduzca una semilla en cada hoyo, plántulas bandeja, a sólo 1/2 cm de la superficie de los medios de comunicación, cubren de nuevo con los medios de comunicación. Si siembra en otras plataformas, por ejemplo, los agujeros restantes, dar la distancia entre semillas, 1-5 cm para facilitar la separación de las semillas que han sido cultivados sin demasiada molestia enraizamiento. • Rocíe con un rociador si los medios de comunicación comienza a secarse. Luego cubrir con cartón o plástico de color sólido o cubrir cualquier cosa que no ocurre hasta que los medios de comunicación son la evaporación lenta. Almacene en un lugar fresco
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
The next step is to plant seeds have been completed. One seed for each planting hole. Then flush to not to wither because of dryness. Planting should be done in the late agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayafternoon when the sun is not too agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya
Melon cultivation treatments
a. installation marker
To produce good fruit, plants should be propped up with a agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayar or a stick of bamboo blade. Functions so that the fruit produced is not in contact with the soil surface. In addition to sunlight penetration occurs throughout the plant. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaMarker installation should be done before the plants grow larger. Usually before the age of 3 days from the crop first cultivated. It is intended that the marker is planted not injure plant roots.
Set along a 1.5-meter marker. Plug marker at planting hole diagonally, it tilted toward the end of the Embankment. Until marker-marker is mutually agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayang, forming the letter X. Then prepare bamboo blade longer and place horizontally between the intersection of the marker-marker, tied with plastic ropes.
b. Watering
Regular watering is required in melon cultivation. Watering should be done every evening to plant one week of age. A sprinkling is done every two agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya
Drainage during the rainy season should be functioning agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaoperly. Do not let the waterlogged land. Melon crops do not require soil that is too wet.
c. fostering up agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaFertilizing crops up is needed from one week old. Fertilizer used is preferably in the form of liquid. Solid fertilizer can be dissolved first. Fertilizer that can be agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaed organic liquid fertilizer or chemical fertilizer made.
Foster followed up with artificial chemical fertilizers given 6 times. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayalizer dissolved in water and then sprinkled on the plants. Fertilization dose 200-250 ml / plant. The following table needs fertilizer for melon cultivation: agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaMelon cultivation practical guide
d. BuatanAgribisnis melon pollination showed promising prospects. But if the land is increasingly hard factors, poor nutrients, especially micro nutrients and natural hormones, the climate and weather, pests and diseases, crop factor and maintenance factor is not observed then the profits will go down. PT. Natural Nusantara trying to help improve the agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaivity of melon in quantity, quality, and environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
Melon cultivation treatments
a. installation marker
To produce good fruit, plants should be propped up with a agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayar or a stick of bamboo blade. Functions so that the fruit produced is not in contact with the soil surface. In addition to sunlight penetration occurs throughout the plant. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaMarker installation should be done before the plants grow larger. Usually before the age of 3 days from the crop first cultivated. It is intended that the marker is planted not injure plant roots.
Set along a 1.5-meter marker. Plug marker at planting hole diagonally, it tilted toward the end of the Embankment. Until marker-marker is mutually agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayang, forming the letter X. Then prepare bamboo blade longer and place horizontally between the intersection of the marker-marker, tied with plastic ropes.
b. Watering
Regular watering is required in melon cultivation. Watering should be done every evening to plant one week of age. A sprinkling is done every two agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya
Drainage during the rainy season should be functioning agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaoperly. Do not let the waterlogged land. Melon crops do not require soil that is too wet.
c. fostering up agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaFertilizing crops up is needed from one week old. Fertilizer used is preferably in the form of liquid. Solid fertilizer can be dissolved first. Fertilizer that can be agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaed organic liquid fertilizer or chemical fertilizer made.
Foster followed up with artificial chemical fertilizers given 6 times. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayalizer dissolved in water and then sprinkled on the plants. Fertilization dose 200-250 ml / plant. The following table needs fertilizer for melon cultivation: agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaMelon cultivation practical guide
d. BuatanAgribisnis melon pollination showed promising prospects. But if the land is increasingly hard factors, poor nutrients, especially micro nutrients and natural hormones, the climate and weather, pests and diseases, crop factor and maintenance factor is not observed then the profits will go down. PT. Natural Nusantara trying to help improve the agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaivity of melon in quantity, quality, and environmental sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
^ ABCDEFGHI Mahendra, B: "13
^ ABCDEFGHI Mahendra, B: "13 Tyyppi Tehokas lääkekasveja", sivu 95 Self levitin 2005
^ Abcde Rukmana, R: "Gathering-havainto", sivu 14 Canisius, 2004
^ Hidayat, S. ja Tim Flona: "tehoa Kasvi perusteella väri, muoto, maku, tuoksu, ja luonto", sivulla 105, PT Primary Samindra 2008
BUAHPOKER.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA TERPERCAYA TANPA ROBOT ^ Ab tekijä tiimi Martha Tilaar Innovation Center: "Orgaanisia viljely lääkekasvien Juurakko", sivulla 79. Self levitin, 2002
^ Abc Kiitollisuus, C. ja Hernanin: "kaupallinen viljely lääkekasvien", sivut 117-118. Self levitin PT 2002
^ Sastrapradja, S., Naiola, BP, Rasmadi, ER, Roemantyo, Soepardjono, EK, Waluyo, EB: "Plant Yard", sivut 67-68. Jakarta. Balai Pustaka, 1981
^ Ning SU: Vaikutus uutteen pitoisuus kokouksen ilveily (Curcuma xanthorrhiza'n) määrä Aedes aegypti hyttysiä joka laskeutui käsissä ihmisillä [opinnäytetyö]. Surakartassa: tiedekunta Kasvatustieteellinen ja opettajankoulutus, yliopisto Muhammadiyah Surakartassa 2008
Parhaat edellytykset kasvaa villinä Ginger
Luonnollisesti, inkivääri kasvit voivat kasvaa hyvin varjoisassa maa ja suojattava suoraa auringonvaloa. Luontotyypin tämän kasvin aiemmin alaisuudessa bambu puu teak puu. Tällä kertaa olemme voineet helposti saada inkivääri, joka kasvaa hyvin paikkoihin auringossa oli esimerkiksi kuivalla maalla. Itse periaatteessa inkivääri on helposti muunnettavissa eri sää trooppisilla alueilla. Paras lämpötila viljelyyn näiden kasvien välillä 19-30 ° C. Samaan aikaan paras sademäärä välillä 1000-4000 mm vuodessa.
GLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 SBOBET IBCBET CASINO POKER TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA Pohjimmiltaan, inkivääri tykkää irtomaata. Kuitenkin tämä kasvi voi myös berdapatasi eri maalajit kuten kalkkipitoinen maaperä, hiekkainen, hieman hiekkainen ja raskas maaperä savinen. Kuitenkin tuottaa optimaalisen juurakko tarvitaan hedelmällinen maaperä, löysä ja hyvin valutettu. Näin epäorgaaninen ja orgaaninen lannoite on tarpeen riittävän ravinteiden ja ylläpitää maan rakennetta pysyäkseen löysä. Maaperän sisältävä orgaaninen aines on tarpeen pitää sateen kastelemalla kentällä ei ole helppoa.
Seed valinta
Seuraava vaihe on viljely inkivääri jalostusprosessissa. Nämä kasvit kasvatetaan kasvullisen tarkoittaa, että käyttämällä emoyhtiön juurakosta (pääasiallinen juurakosta) tai juurakko versojen (juurakko haara). Taimet ovat terveitä ja ovat elämä sopii 10-12 kuukausi. Sekä siemenet ja emoyhtiön juurakosta juurakosta oksat, on käsiteltävä ensin. Käsittelyn jälkeen:
Parent juurakko jaettu neljään osaan, jotka sisältävät 2-3 silmut ja kuivataan 3-4 tuntia 4-6 päivää peräkkäin. Kun juurakot voidaan istuttaa suoraan.
Säästä juurakko uusi lapsi otetaan kosteissa ja pimeässä paikassa 1-2 kuukautta, kunnes uudet alkuunsa. Taimi valmiste voi myös tehdä hamstrata juurakot maahan varjossa, meyiraminya puhtaalla vedellä joka aamu / iltapäivä kunnes alkuunsa. Juurakot, jotka ovat itäneet välittömästi pätkiä joissa on 2-3 silmut valmiita istutettaviksi. BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA
^ Abcde Rukmana, R: "Gathering-havainto", sivu 14 Canisius, 2004
^ Hidayat, S. ja Tim Flona: "tehoa Kasvi perusteella väri, muoto, maku, tuoksu, ja luonto", sivulla 105, PT Primary Samindra 2008
BUAHPOKER.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA TERPERCAYA TANPA ROBOT ^ Ab tekijä tiimi Martha Tilaar Innovation Center: "Orgaanisia viljely lääkekasvien Juurakko", sivulla 79. Self levitin, 2002
^ Abc Kiitollisuus, C. ja Hernanin: "kaupallinen viljely lääkekasvien", sivut 117-118. Self levitin PT 2002
^ Sastrapradja, S., Naiola, BP, Rasmadi, ER, Roemantyo, Soepardjono, EK, Waluyo, EB: "Plant Yard", sivut 67-68. Jakarta. Balai Pustaka, 1981
^ Ning SU: Vaikutus uutteen pitoisuus kokouksen ilveily (Curcuma xanthorrhiza'n) määrä Aedes aegypti hyttysiä joka laskeutui käsissä ihmisillä [opinnäytetyö]. Surakartassa: tiedekunta Kasvatustieteellinen ja opettajankoulutus, yliopisto Muhammadiyah Surakartassa 2008
Parhaat edellytykset kasvaa villinä Ginger
Luonnollisesti, inkivääri kasvit voivat kasvaa hyvin varjoisassa maa ja suojattava suoraa auringonvaloa. Luontotyypin tämän kasvin aiemmin alaisuudessa bambu puu teak puu. Tällä kertaa olemme voineet helposti saada inkivääri, joka kasvaa hyvin paikkoihin auringossa oli esimerkiksi kuivalla maalla. Itse periaatteessa inkivääri on helposti muunnettavissa eri sää trooppisilla alueilla. Paras lämpötila viljelyyn näiden kasvien välillä 19-30 ° C. Samaan aikaan paras sademäärä välillä 1000-4000 mm vuodessa.
GLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 SBOBET IBCBET CASINO POKER TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA Pohjimmiltaan, inkivääri tykkää irtomaata. Kuitenkin tämä kasvi voi myös berdapatasi eri maalajit kuten kalkkipitoinen maaperä, hiekkainen, hieman hiekkainen ja raskas maaperä savinen. Kuitenkin tuottaa optimaalisen juurakko tarvitaan hedelmällinen maaperä, löysä ja hyvin valutettu. Näin epäorgaaninen ja orgaaninen lannoite on tarpeen riittävän ravinteiden ja ylläpitää maan rakennetta pysyäkseen löysä. Maaperän sisältävä orgaaninen aines on tarpeen pitää sateen kastelemalla kentällä ei ole helppoa.
Seed valinta
Seuraava vaihe on viljely inkivääri jalostusprosessissa. Nämä kasvit kasvatetaan kasvullisen tarkoittaa, että käyttämällä emoyhtiön juurakosta (pääasiallinen juurakosta) tai juurakko versojen (juurakko haara). Taimet ovat terveitä ja ovat elämä sopii 10-12 kuukausi. Sekä siemenet ja emoyhtiön juurakosta juurakosta oksat, on käsiteltävä ensin. Käsittelyn jälkeen:
Parent juurakko jaettu neljään osaan, jotka sisältävät 2-3 silmut ja kuivataan 3-4 tuntia 4-6 päivää peräkkäin. Kun juurakot voidaan istuttaa suoraan.
Säästä juurakko uusi lapsi otetaan kosteissa ja pimeässä paikassa 1-2 kuukautta, kunnes uudet alkuunsa. Taimi valmiste voi myös tehdä hamstrata juurakot maahan varjossa, meyiraminya puhtaalla vedellä joka aamu / iltapäivä kunnes alkuunsa. Juurakot, jotka ovat itäneet välittömästi pätkiä joissa on 2-3 silmut valmiita istutettaviksi. BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Food and Eating Habits
Food and Eating Habits
Abalone shells merpakan herbivorous animals, the plan
t-eating animals, and actively feeding on the dark atmosphere. Type of seaweed / macro algae growing in the sea is very diverse. Broadly speaking there are 3 groups of seaweed / macro algae that live in the sea, namely; 1) macro red algae (Red seaweeds), 2) brown algae (Brown seaweeds), and 3) green algae (Green seaweed). The following species / types of seaweed abalone shells that can be used as food, namely:
CHAPTER III RAISING SHELLS ABALONE (Haliotis asinina) USING KJA 3.1 Means At KJA Methods Facilities required in KJA method is as follows: 1 container in the form of units of cages that can be made of wood or bamboo fitted anchor made of steel or concrete. 2 Containers made of waring maintenance. 3 Means of transport, such as; boat or canoe. 4. working tool, are like; scales, hammers and saws. 5. Guard house, used for security. 3.2. Site Selection Abalone shells live on the coral sandy beach surrounding and rarely even there dimuara river. This is going to be a major consideration in choosing the location of abalone shellfish cultivation. Therefore, not all locations can be used as a cultivation of abalone shells. In addition to the location, a very important factor to consider is the safety factor. The safety factor is one determinant in the success of any business activity undertaken. The location is ideal but if it does not support the safety factors will result in losses as a result of theft and this will result in substantial losses.
POKERPELANGI.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAAbalone shellfish aquaculture site selection by KJA method is in principle the same as site selection on grouper aquaculture duck (Cromileptes altivelis) by KJA system. Therefore, the cultivation of abalone shells can be carried along with the humpback grouper fish in the net of a different or separate. The location requirements are as follows: 1 natural disturbance factor. ·
t-eating animals, and actively feeding on the dark atmosphere. Type of seaweed / macro algae growing in the sea is very diverse. Broadly speaking there are 3 groups of seaweed / macro algae that live in the sea, namely; 1) macro red algae (Red seaweeds), 2) brown algae (Brown seaweeds), and 3) green algae (Green seaweed). The following species / types of seaweed abalone shells that can be used as food, namely:
CHAPTER III RAISING SHELLS ABALONE (Haliotis asinina) USING KJA 3.1 Means At KJA Methods Facilities required in KJA method is as follows: 1 container in the form of units of cages that can be made of wood or bamboo fitted anchor made of steel or concrete. 2 Containers made of waring maintenance. 3 Means of transport, such as; boat or canoe. 4. working tool, are like; scales, hammers and saws. 5. Guard house, used for security. 3.2. Site Selection Abalone shells live on the coral sandy beach surrounding and rarely even there dimuara river. This is going to be a major consideration in choosing the location of abalone shellfish cultivation. Therefore, not all locations can be used as a cultivation of abalone shells. In addition to the location, a very important factor to consider is the safety factor. The safety factor is one determinant in the success of any business activity undertaken. The location is ideal but if it does not support the safety factors will result in losses as a result of theft and this will result in substantial losses.
POKERPELANGI.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAAbalone shellfish aquaculture site selection by KJA method is in principle the same as site selection on grouper aquaculture duck (Cromileptes altivelis) by KJA system. Therefore, the cultivation of abalone shells can be carried along with the humpback grouper fish in the net of a different or separate. The location requirements are as follows: 1 natural disturbance factor. ·
Monday, July 14, 2014
Cause: The fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae
Cause: The fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor. Symptoms:
plants wilting like a shortage of fresh water and back in the evening,
after a long time as well as stunted growth and dwarf can not flowering.
In addition to plant roots swell seen also no black spots on the roots.
Black spot
JAGADPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Cause: The fungus Alternaria sp. This seed-borne disease attacks the leaves and other plant parts. Symptoms: leaves become mottled brown striped concentric young or old. In the roots, stems and stalks are striped spots blackish color.
Collapsed seedlings (damping off)
Cause: The fungus Rhizoctonia sp. and Phytium sp. This disease usually affects the nursery cause rotten base of the stem.
Control: can be done by performing a disease-free seeds, soak the seeds in hot water (50 degrees C) or in the POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water & WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / liter of water for 15 minutes, field sanitation, crop rotation, planting disease-resistant cultivars, crop avoid mechanical damage or insect bites, or seedling media sterilized garden soil (especially for root swelling), liming on acid soils and plants that have been revoked disease.
To prevent pests and diseases, spraying WT Bactericide dose of 10 ml / lt of water, WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / lt of water & WT Ajuvant dose of 2 ml / liter of water has been performed although no attack symptoms. Spraying is done every 1 week, simultaneously at the time of spraying liquid fertilizer.
Harvesting is done when the mass reaches a maximum size of flowers and incompressible.
Maturity between 55-100 days depending on the AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAcultivar.
Harvesting should be done in the morning or evening by cutting the flower stalk with some leaves along the stem and 25 cm.
Yields of between 15-40 tonnes per hectare depending on the cultivar, plant population and maintenance.
Once harvested cabbage flowers, crops stored in the shade to do the sorting.
Sorting is done based on the diameter of the flower head are divided into 4 classes:> 30 cm, 25-30 cm, 20-25 cm and 15-20 cm.
The best storage in a dark room at a temperature of 20 degrees C, 75-85% humidity or cold room with a temperature of 4.4 degrees C with 85-95% humidity.
In the rooms of the cabbage will stay fresh for 2-3 weeks.
Packaging is done in a wooden crate with POKERPELANGI.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAa capacity of 25-30 kg. For long-distance transport, include roughly 6 leaf blade and leaf mass is above the broken flower to cover the interest. To transport a short distance cut ends of the leaves.
Black spot
JAGADPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Cause: The fungus Alternaria sp. This seed-borne disease attacks the leaves and other plant parts. Symptoms: leaves become mottled brown striped concentric young or old. In the roots, stems and stalks are striped spots blackish color.
Collapsed seedlings (damping off)
Cause: The fungus Rhizoctonia sp. and Phytium sp. This disease usually affects the nursery cause rotten base of the stem.
Control: can be done by performing a disease-free seeds, soak the seeds in hot water (50 degrees C) or in the POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water & WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / liter of water for 15 minutes, field sanitation, crop rotation, planting disease-resistant cultivars, crop avoid mechanical damage or insect bites, or seedling media sterilized garden soil (especially for root swelling), liming on acid soils and plants that have been revoked disease.
To prevent pests and diseases, spraying WT Bactericide dose of 10 ml / lt of water, WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / lt of water & WT Ajuvant dose of 2 ml / liter of water has been performed although no attack symptoms. Spraying is done every 1 week, simultaneously at the time of spraying liquid fertilizer.
Harvesting is done when the mass reaches a maximum size of flowers and incompressible.
Maturity between 55-100 days depending on the AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAcultivar.
Harvesting should be done in the morning or evening by cutting the flower stalk with some leaves along the stem and 25 cm.
Yields of between 15-40 tonnes per hectare depending on the cultivar, plant population and maintenance.
Once harvested cabbage flowers, crops stored in the shade to do the sorting.
Sorting is done based on the diameter of the flower head are divided into 4 classes:> 30 cm, 25-30 cm, 20-25 cm and 15-20 cm.
The best storage in a dark room at a temperature of 20 degrees C, 75-85% humidity or cold room with a temperature of 4.4 degrees C with 85-95% humidity.
In the rooms of the cabbage will stay fresh for 2-3 weeks.
Packaging is done in a wooden crate with POKERPELANGI.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAa capacity of 25-30 kg. For long-distance transport, include roughly 6 leaf blade and leaf mass is above the broken flower to cover the interest. To transport a short distance cut ends of the leaves.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Preparation Facility and Equipment
Preparation Facility and Equipment
Temperature, Humidity and Lighting
House to swallow the cage should have a temperature, humidity and lighting similar to natural caves. Natural cave temperature ranges between 24-26 degrees C and 80-95% humidity ±. Setting conditions of temperatBUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA ure and humidity is done by:
Coat the ceiling with thick husk 2 ° Cm
Creating channels or pools of water in the building.
Using vent pipe shape of an "L" that berjaraknya 5 m of the hole, a diameter of 4 cm.
Shut the door, window and holes unused.
In and out of the holes were given prophylactic funnel-shaped beam of burlap or black cloth so that the state of the building will be darker. Swallow dark atmosphere is preferred.
Shape and Building Construction
Generally, the swallow such a large building, the breadth varying from 10x15 to 10x20 m 2 m 2. The higher wuwungan (ridge) and the greater the distance between wuwungan and ceiling, the better and preferably swiftlet houses swiftlets. The house should not be covered by tall trees. Wall of the building was made of plaster walls while the outer part of the cement mixture. The inside walls should be made of a mixture of sand, lime and cement in the ratio 3:2:1 which is very good for controlling temperature and humidity. To reduce the smell of cement can be watered every day. Framework of the roof and insulation were attached nests are made of solid wood, an old and long-lasting, durable, not easily eaten Rengat. The roof is made of tiles. Building a swallow needs to be complemented with roving room as the swirling and resting room as a place to rest and nest. Out of the hole where the bird-sized 20x20 or 20x35 cm 2 were made at the top. The number of holes depends on the needs and condition of the building. It is not a hole facing east and the walls painted black hole.
Generally swiftlet farmers do accidentally. Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya A large bird that circled the building used by the farmers. To lure the birds so much more, homeowners prepare a tape recorder containing sound recordings swallow. There is also conducting stacking straw that produces small insects as a food ingredient swiftlet.
Seed Selection and Prospective Parent
As a parent bird sriti swallow been cultivated to want to nest in the new building. Sriti way to lure birds to enter in the new building with the use of tape or sriti wuara swallow. Screening was conducted at 4:00 p.m. to 18:00 hours, ie the time foraging bird back.
Seed treatment and Prospective Parent
In the swiftlet farming, need to be prepared to swallow the eggs hatched in nests of sriti. Eggs can be obtained from the owner of the building who was doing a swallow "the egg harvest waste way". Harvesting is carried out after the birds' nests and lay eggs to make two points. Swallow eggs retrieved and then discarded nest taken. The eggs are removed in the harvest can be used to repopulate the birds' nest menetaskannya in sriti.
Choosing Swallow Eggs
Eggs were harvested consisted of 3 kinds of colors, namely:
Pink, new eggs out of the cloaca parent aged 0-5 days.
Reddish white, aged 6-10 days.
White thick blackish, near the timeBanteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014 of hatching 10-15 days old.
Elliptical swallow eggs, the size of 2,014 x1, 353 cm with a weight of 1.97 grams. Characteristic of a good egg should look fresh and should not be stayed except in the incubator. Have good eggs
Temperature, Humidity and Lighting
House to swallow the cage should have a temperature, humidity and lighting similar to natural caves. Natural cave temperature ranges between 24-26 degrees C and 80-95% humidity ±. Setting conditions of temperatBUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA ure and humidity is done by:
Coat the ceiling with thick husk 2 ° Cm
Creating channels or pools of water in the building.
Using vent pipe shape of an "L" that berjaraknya 5 m of the hole, a diameter of 4 cm.
Shut the door, window and holes unused.
In and out of the holes were given prophylactic funnel-shaped beam of burlap or black cloth so that the state of the building will be darker. Swallow dark atmosphere is preferred.
Shape and Building Construction
Generally, the swallow such a large building, the breadth varying from 10x15 to 10x20 m 2 m 2. The higher wuwungan (ridge) and the greater the distance between wuwungan and ceiling, the better and preferably swiftlet houses swiftlets. The house should not be covered by tall trees. Wall of the building was made of plaster walls while the outer part of the cement mixture. The inside walls should be made of a mixture of sand, lime and cement in the ratio 3:2:1 which is very good for controlling temperature and humidity. To reduce the smell of cement can be watered every day. Framework of the roof and insulation were attached nests are made of solid wood, an old and long-lasting, durable, not easily eaten Rengat. The roof is made of tiles. Building a swallow needs to be complemented with roving room as the swirling and resting room as a place to rest and nest. Out of the hole where the bird-sized 20x20 or 20x35 cm 2 were made at the top. The number of holes depends on the needs and condition of the building. It is not a hole facing east and the walls painted black hole.
Generally swiftlet farmers do accidentally. Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya A large bird that circled the building used by the farmers. To lure the birds so much more, homeowners prepare a tape recorder containing sound recordings swallow. There is also conducting stacking straw that produces small insects as a food ingredient swiftlet.
Seed Selection and Prospective Parent
As a parent bird sriti swallow been cultivated to want to nest in the new building. Sriti way to lure birds to enter in the new building with the use of tape or sriti wuara swallow. Screening was conducted at 4:00 p.m. to 18:00 hours, ie the time foraging bird back.
Seed treatment and Prospective Parent
In the swiftlet farming, need to be prepared to swallow the eggs hatched in nests of sriti. Eggs can be obtained from the owner of the building who was doing a swallow "the egg harvest waste way". Harvesting is carried out after the birds' nests and lay eggs to make two points. Swallow eggs retrieved and then discarded nest taken. The eggs are removed in the harvest can be used to repopulate the birds' nest menetaskannya in sriti.
Choosing Swallow Eggs
Eggs were harvested consisted of 3 kinds of colors, namely:
Pink, new eggs out of the cloaca parent aged 0-5 days.
Reddish white, aged 6-10 days.
White thick blackish, near the timeBanteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014 of hatching 10-15 days old.
Elliptical swallow eggs, the size of 2,014 x1, 353 cm with a weight of 1.97 grams. Characteristic of a good egg should look fresh and should not be stayed except in the incubator. Have good eggs
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
LITTLE SEED AND ORDER (4 tree only) ORIGINAL AND MANY Ensure seeds only
in breeding centers Durian Montong Bawor "National Pilot" in Banyumas,
Central Java, Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di IndonesiaContact :
(CALL / SMS) to Bpk.Nugroho: 0813-1460-0094 (Telkomsel / Whatsapp),
085-6261-3096 (Indosat), 0877-1949-2097 (XL), BB PIN 228DFAE1,
Here Is a Plant Cultivation Techniques Petai:
The selection of seeds, plant seeds will grow well superior, disease-resistant and have a satisfactory yield. The selection of seeds can be obtained from seeds or from the system paste / grafting.
Preparing land for planting hole with a size of 40 x 40 cm with a depth of 40 cm. Give manure as fertilizer 10 cm thick base, let it dry and evaporate in order not penas at the time of planting.
Planting, 6-month-old seedlings are ready to be moved. Most appropriate planting during the rainy season are banar already arrived. Select seedlings with old leaves, not planting seedlings germinate seedlings when young. Go to the basket or polybag wrapper ground seeds, being careful not to rupture the ground. Planting seeds with soil and piled then condense. Stockpiling not to cover ex-grafting because it can lead to fungus. Last flush the soil so that the soil pores tightly so that no evaporation.
Fertilization, after a 4 month old plants did fertilization with manure. You do this by digging the soil around the plant and include fertilizer and soil stockpiling.
Harvest, banana plants grow well if would be able to producing after 3-4 years. After a 25-year-old banana plants must be rejuvenated. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaThus information on the Cultivation Techniques Petai, this information may be useful for you and good luck. Finally, it remains hijaukan our Earth. Until the banana cultivation in monoculture was, the land below the main plant stands, it still could be seasonal plants, without lowering the level of productivity too much. Almost all crops can be grown under banana stand. But the peanut crop, taro and empon-empon, is the best alternative. Corn is less favorable, as would Productivity is very low, while it will decrease the productivity of cassava banana. Peanuts is quite good, because it would increase the fertility of the land, with the arrest of nitrogen directly from the air.
Petai seed grafting with scions clones, many produced by breeders. Especially in Central Java and Lampung. Ideally, the seed will be planted in the ground already is 1.5 m. The price of seed sizes, ranging from Rp 50.000, - sd. Rp 100.000, -. In purchase in large quantities, the price could be a little lower. If you want a little light, can buy seed size under 50 cm, with a price of Rp 10,000, - sd. Rp 20.000, - sowing with intensive care, until it reaches a height of 1.5 m. That's when the seed was moved to the field, at the beginning of the rainy season.
The selection of seeds, plant seeds will grow well superior, disease-resistant and have a satisfactory yield. The selection of seeds can be obtained from seeds or from the system paste / grafting.
Preparing land for planting hole with a size of 40 x 40 cm with a depth of 40 cm. Give manure as fertilizer 10 cm thick base, let it dry and evaporate in order not penas at the time of planting.
Planting, 6-month-old seedlings are ready to be moved. Most appropriate planting during the rainy season are banar already arrived. Select seedlings with old leaves, not planting seedlings germinate seedlings when young. Go to the basket or polybag wrapper ground seeds, being careful not to rupture the ground. Planting seeds with soil and piled then condense. Stockpiling not to cover ex-grafting because it can lead to fungus. Last flush the soil so that the soil pores tightly so that no evaporation.
Fertilization, after a 4 month old plants did fertilization with manure. You do this by digging the soil around the plant and include fertilizer and soil stockpiling.
Harvest, banana plants grow well if would be able to producing after 3-4 years. After a 25-year-old banana plants must be rejuvenated. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaThus information on the Cultivation Techniques Petai, this information may be useful for you and good luck. Finally, it remains hijaukan our Earth. Until the banana cultivation in monoculture was, the land below the main plant stands, it still could be seasonal plants, without lowering the level of productivity too much. Almost all crops can be grown under banana stand. But the peanut crop, taro and empon-empon, is the best alternative. Corn is less favorable, as would Productivity is very low, while it will decrease the productivity of cassava banana. Peanuts is quite good, because it would increase the fertility of the land, with the arrest of nitrogen directly from the air.
Petai seed grafting with scions clones, many produced by breeders. Especially in Central Java and Lampung. Ideally, the seed will be planted in the ground already is 1.5 m. The price of seed sizes, ranging from Rp 50.000, - sd. Rp 100.000, -. In purchase in large quantities, the price could be a little lower. If you want a little light, can buy seed size under 50 cm, with a price of Rp 10,000, - sd. Rp 20.000, - sowing with intensive care, until it reaches a height of 1.5 m. That's when the seed was moved to the field, at the beginning of the rainy season.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Litchi fruto es redondo con un tamaño más o menos del tamaño
Litchi fruto es redondo con un tamaño más o menos del tamaño de canicas agrupación de frutas en malainya. Frutas de color de la piel-con marrón claro a negro superficie en lugar aglutinarse-suave. Translucent carne blanca del clan jugosa. Su sabor es muy dulce cBOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAon un aroma fragante especial. Las semillas son redondas, que consta de dos piezas, y de cuero recubierto de semillas de color negro. Semillas propias carnes blancas, contienen hidratos de carbono, un poco de aceite, y saponinas.
Origen y Distribución
Originario del sudeste de Asia. Cultivado en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales, pero sobre todo en Tailandia, China, Taiwán, Vietnam, Australia y Estados Unidos, Florida y Hawai.
Término latino
Longana Euphoria, Euphoria longan, Nephelium Longana, Nephelium longan. Los cultivares y especies
Aunque hay muchos cultivares klengkeng en el sudeste de Asia, el cultivo de la diversidad es menor en otras áreas. Las siguientes variedades son las más comunes cultivadas en Puerto Rico, Florida y Hawai:
'Biew Kiew' - Desde Tailandia, con una producción más consistente Toko online murah terbaik di Indonesiaen Hawai que "Kohala", pero todavía necesitan un invierno frío para florecer bien. Fruto de la buena calidad, y luego de la "Kohala".
'River Diamond' ('Phetsakon') - tropical Klengkeng de Tailandia, que tiene una producción más fiable en los trópicos. El fruto es de tamaño mediano, de buena calidad y de la cosecha anterior.
'Kohala' - Originario de Hawaii, el cultivo más importante en la Florida, pero tiene una producción incierta en los trópicos. Fructificación temprana, amplia y de buena calidad, y con semillas pequeñas.
'Sri Chompoo' - Desde Tailandia, sería fruto más consistente en Hawai que 'Kohala', pero todavía necesitan un invierno frío para florecer bien. El fruto es grande y de buena calidad.
Otras variedades incluyen "Egami ',' E Wai ',' Edo ',' Edau 'y' Ojo de Tigre '.
Var longan Dimocarpus. malesianus, ojos de gato, es una subespecie de la más klengkeng Ccok en los trópicos.
Utilice Longan consumo como fruta fresca, seca, congelada y en conserva.
ADRO TEXTILE Konveksi Murah Indonesia – Tlp 081362666444 !La composición de la nutriente por 100 gramos de longan Los hidratos de carbono 16-25 g
Origen y Distribución
Originario del sudeste de Asia. Cultivado en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales, pero sobre todo en Tailandia, China, Taiwán, Vietnam, Australia y Estados Unidos, Florida y Hawai.
Término latino
Longana Euphoria, Euphoria longan, Nephelium Longana, Nephelium longan. Los cultivares y especies
Aunque hay muchos cultivares klengkeng en el sudeste de Asia, el cultivo de la diversidad es menor en otras áreas. Las siguientes variedades son las más comunes cultivadas en Puerto Rico, Florida y Hawai:
'Biew Kiew' - Desde Tailandia, con una producción más consistente Toko online murah terbaik di Indonesiaen Hawai que "Kohala", pero todavía necesitan un invierno frío para florecer bien. Fruto de la buena calidad, y luego de la "Kohala".
'River Diamond' ('Phetsakon') - tropical Klengkeng de Tailandia, que tiene una producción más fiable en los trópicos. El fruto es de tamaño mediano, de buena calidad y de la cosecha anterior.
'Kohala' - Originario de Hawaii, el cultivo más importante en la Florida, pero tiene una producción incierta en los trópicos. Fructificación temprana, amplia y de buena calidad, y con semillas pequeñas.
'Sri Chompoo' - Desde Tailandia, sería fruto más consistente en Hawai que 'Kohala', pero todavía necesitan un invierno frío para florecer bien. El fruto es grande y de buena calidad.
Otras variedades incluyen "Egami ',' E Wai ',' Edo ',' Edau 'y' Ojo de Tigre '.
Var longan Dimocarpus. malesianus, ojos de gato, es una subespecie de la más klengkeng Ccok en los trópicos.
Utilice Longan consumo como fruta fresca, seca, congelada y en conserva.
ADRO TEXTILE Konveksi Murah Indonesia – Tlp 081362666444 !La composición de la nutriente por 100 gramos de longan Los hidratos de carbono 16-25 g
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Young leaves are red and turn green once. Flowers mahogany is compound interest
indispensable in seed production activities in mind. Vegetative propagation techniques is one way to produce seedlings that have superior character as a child created a duplicate of the parent to have the same genetic structure
Mahogany is an annual plant, with the average height of 5 - 25m (some even reach more than 30 m), deep saddle with a round stem, branching many, and gummy wood. Leaf leafy compound, pinnate clear, oval-shaped leaf, pointed tip and base, margin flat, with long bone pinnate leaves 3-15 cm long. Young leaves are red and turn green once. Flowers mahogany is compound interest, arranged in a composition out of the armpit leaves. Mother of the flower stalk cylindrical, light brown. Last petals each other with a spoon shape resembles a light green. Crown of flowers cylindrical, Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Online Terpercaya Indonesia Stamen attached to the crown. Head white sari / golden brown. This new mahogany flowering after the age of 7 or 8 years old. After flowering, the next stage is to bear fruit. The fruit is a fruit mahogany box with five recessed oval shape. When they were cute in green, and after a big brown. In the kidney-shaped seeds are compressed with the ends rather thick and dark brown in color. Fruit is already decrepit skin will rupture on its own fruit and seeds will be free flying flat where are the wind blew. When the match fell to the ground will grow into a new generation of mahogany.
classification; Based on his scientific classification, these crops are included in the family / familia Meliaceae. Crops in Indonesia known as the mahogany has many names according to the region or country. In Bangli called mahagni. In the Netherlands, known as mahok. The French call it Acajou or Acajou pays, while our neighbors (Malaysia) cheriamagany name of this plant. Others again by Spaniards who knew him as caoba / caoba de Santo / Domingo. In Indonesia hardwood plant has another local name, that is mahogany, maoni or Moni. The origins of this plant from the West Indies and Africa.
Taxonomy mahogany is as follows: Kingdom: Plantae (plants), Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Plants berpembuluh) Super Division: Spermatophyta (produce seed) Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants) Class: Magnoliopsida (crusting two / dikotil), Sub Grade: Rosidae, Ordo: Sapindales, Family: Meliaceae, Genus: Swietenia, Species: Swietenia mahogany (L.) Jacq.
- Conditions to Grow
This is mahogany and tropical plants, can be found growing wild in the forests of teak and other places close to the shore. This plant can flourish in brackish sand near the beach. This plant likes a pretty direct sunlight (not ternaungi). Crops include crops that can survive in the wilderness though. Although not watered for months, mahogany is still able to survive.
- Propagation of crop
Of crop can be done with seeds, can also with graft or grafting. For mahogany that will be used as a medicinal plant, it can not be chemical fertilizers (inorganic) or pesticides.
- Utilization
Mahogany found on the edges of the road as tree protectors. Holt great fit for shelter. Besides, because it is resistant to hot / live in the wilderness until the crop is standing firm adorn the streets in some areas. For the people of Indonesia, especially Java, this plant is not a new item, because since the Dutch colonial era mahogany and colleagues, asan trees, is widely planted as a shade on the sidewalk along the road especially Daendels (from Peacock to Banyuwangi). And over the last 20 years, the mahogany from cultivated for its wood has a high enough economic value. Quality hard wood and is excellent for Meubeler, furniture, sculptures goods and handicrafts. Often also made ruler because it is not easily changed. Quality mahogany teak is slightly below that often dubbed as the second prima donna (prima donna s still primarily teak). For the old mahogany wSARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAood red brown. There are several types of small-leaved mahogany that is mahogany (Swietenia mahogany) and broad-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophilea). Swietenia mahogany wood quality better than Swietenia macrophilea. While the advantages are faster macrophilea Swietenia grown into a large and wooden plates. Other uses of mahogany is used for dyeing her skin. The fabric is boiled with mahogany skin will turn yellow and wantek (unbleached). While rubber mahogany blendok also mentioned to be used as raw material of glue (glue), and leaf mahogany for animal feed.
Utilization of mahogany as the drug had since the 70s. Taken is the seed. At that time the way his consumption remains moderate (no mixed) at a cost that is directly after removing the seeds are compressed. They say many of the obscure disease after being treated with this mahogany seeds. But a lot of bitterness Complaint. Adults are in line with the motto back to nature, treatment with materials from nature from many dilirik. Humans began to cultivate creative materials from the environment to be used as medicine. Mahogany seeds as raw material medicine dried and then finely ground into a powder.
There are several types of small-leaved mahogany that is mahogany (Swietenia mahogany) and broad-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophilea). Swietenia mahogany wood quality better than Swietenia macrophilea. While the advantages are faster macrophilea Swietenia grown into a large and wooden plates. Other uses of mahogany is used for dyeing her skin. The fabric is boiled with mahogany skin will turn yellow and wantek (unbleached). While rubber mahogany blendok also mentioned to be used as raw material of glue (glue), and leaf mahogany for animal feed.
Utilization of mahogany as the drug had since the 70s. Taken is the seed. At that time the way his consumption remains moderate (no mixed) at a cost that is directly after removing the seeds are compressed. They say many diseases are cured after being treated with this mahogany seeds. But a lot of bitterness Complaint. Adults are in line with the motto JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA back to nature, treatment with materials from nature from many dilirik. Humans began to cultivate creative materials from the environment to be used as
Mahogany is an annual plant, with the average height of 5 - 25m (some even reach more than 30 m), deep saddle with a round stem, branching many, and gummy wood. Leaf leafy compound, pinnate clear, oval-shaped leaf, pointed tip and base, margin flat, with long bone pinnate leaves 3-15 cm long. Young leaves are red and turn green once. Flowers mahogany is compound interest, arranged in a composition out of the armpit leaves. Mother of the flower stalk cylindrical, light brown. Last petals each other with a spoon shape resembles a light green. Crown of flowers cylindrical, Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Online Terpercaya Indonesia Stamen attached to the crown. Head white sari / golden brown. This new mahogany flowering after the age of 7 or 8 years old. After flowering, the next stage is to bear fruit. The fruit is a fruit mahogany box with five recessed oval shape. When they were cute in green, and after a big brown. In the kidney-shaped seeds are compressed with the ends rather thick and dark brown in color. Fruit is already decrepit skin will rupture on its own fruit and seeds will be free flying flat where are the wind blew. When the match fell to the ground will grow into a new generation of mahogany.
classification; Based on his scientific classification, these crops are included in the family / familia Meliaceae. Crops in Indonesia known as the mahogany has many names according to the region or country. In Bangli called mahagni. In the Netherlands, known as mahok. The French call it Acajou or Acajou pays, while our neighbors (Malaysia) cheriamagany name of this plant. Others again by Spaniards who knew him as caoba / caoba de Santo / Domingo. In Indonesia hardwood plant has another local name, that is mahogany, maoni or Moni. The origins of this plant from the West Indies and Africa.
Taxonomy mahogany is as follows: Kingdom: Plantae (plants), Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Plants berpembuluh) Super Division: Spermatophyta (produce seed) Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants) Class: Magnoliopsida (crusting two / dikotil), Sub Grade: Rosidae, Ordo: Sapindales, Family: Meliaceae, Genus: Swietenia, Species: Swietenia mahogany (L.) Jacq.
- Conditions to Grow
This is mahogany and tropical plants, can be found growing wild in the forests of teak and other places close to the shore. This plant can flourish in brackish sand near the beach. This plant likes a pretty direct sunlight (not ternaungi). Crops include crops that can survive in the wilderness though. Although not watered for months, mahogany is still able to survive.
- Propagation of crop
Of crop can be done with seeds, can also with graft or grafting. For mahogany that will be used as a medicinal plant, it can not be chemical fertilizers (inorganic) or pesticides.
- Utilization
Mahogany found on the edges of the road as tree protectors. Holt great fit for shelter. Besides, because it is resistant to hot / live in the wilderness until the crop is standing firm adorn the streets in some areas. For the people of Indonesia, especially Java, this plant is not a new item, because since the Dutch colonial era mahogany and colleagues, asan trees, is widely planted as a shade on the sidewalk along the road especially Daendels (from Peacock to Banyuwangi). And over the last 20 years, the mahogany from cultivated for its wood has a high enough economic value. Quality hard wood and is excellent for Meubeler, furniture, sculptures goods and handicrafts. Often also made ruler because it is not easily changed. Quality mahogany teak is slightly below that often dubbed as the second prima donna (prima donna s still primarily teak). For the old mahogany wSARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAood red brown. There are several types of small-leaved mahogany that is mahogany (Swietenia mahogany) and broad-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophilea). Swietenia mahogany wood quality better than Swietenia macrophilea. While the advantages are faster macrophilea Swietenia grown into a large and wooden plates. Other uses of mahogany is used for dyeing her skin. The fabric is boiled with mahogany skin will turn yellow and wantek (unbleached). While rubber mahogany blendok also mentioned to be used as raw material of glue (glue), and leaf mahogany for animal feed.
Utilization of mahogany as the drug had since the 70s. Taken is the seed. At that time the way his consumption remains moderate (no mixed) at a cost that is directly after removing the seeds are compressed. They say many of the obscure disease after being treated with this mahogany seeds. But a lot of bitterness Complaint. Adults are in line with the motto back to nature, treatment with materials from nature from many dilirik. Humans began to cultivate creative materials from the environment to be used as medicine. Mahogany seeds as raw material medicine dried and then finely ground into a powder.
There are several types of small-leaved mahogany that is mahogany (Swietenia mahogany) and broad-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophilea). Swietenia mahogany wood quality better than Swietenia macrophilea. While the advantages are faster macrophilea Swietenia grown into a large and wooden plates. Other uses of mahogany is used for dyeing her skin. The fabric is boiled with mahogany skin will turn yellow and wantek (unbleached). While rubber mahogany blendok also mentioned to be used as raw material of glue (glue), and leaf mahogany for animal feed.
Utilization of mahogany as the drug had since the 70s. Taken is the seed. At that time the way his consumption remains moderate (no mixed) at a cost that is directly after removing the seeds are compressed. They say many diseases are cured after being treated with this mahogany seeds. But a lot of bitterness Complaint. Adults are in line with the motto JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA back to nature, treatment with materials from nature from many dilirik. Humans began to cultivate creative materials from the environment to be used as
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